Hey! Here’s what happened since July til the end of October:
- The SourceRuns Marathon 2016 took place in August (12th-13th) with over 35 games ran by the community members, as well as a fundraiser, raising a total of $621 for National Alliance on Mental Illness. A list of all speedrun VODs is available over at the forums.
- After the success of the 2016 SourceRuns Marathon, and after many requests for more frequent content over the years, we have started hosting “mini-marathons” every 2 weeks on our Twitch channel, featuring runners in and around the community, and featuring more than just Source and GoldSRC games! If you have ever wanted to get involved with SourceRuns, or just want to show off some of your runs, please contact us directly on the forums, Twitter, or on our Discord (discord.gg/sourceruns), and we’ll be happy to include you in one of our events! This is open to all speedrunners from all communities, so don’t be afraid to submit a non-source game, too!
- Traderain made a program to analyze demos and saves from any source or goldsource engine demo or save to eliminate the need of multiple tools. It’s still in heavy development, but you can try it out here.
- You are now required to provide run demos when submitting your time to GoldSrc game leaderboards on speedrun.com. We have updated our “Getting Started” guide to help you set up the game for this rule.
- A new version of Bunnymod XT has been released, adding lots of new useful features. Make sure to update.
- Half-Life: Source OoB Done Quick speedrun premiered live on our Twitch channel on October 15th, followed by a short explanation stream. (two links in this text)
- Alien Swarm Timescale Assisted Speedrun by Onin is out! Watch it here.
- PJC has uploaded a new run of Half-Life: Decay “Surface Call” chapter, beating the old time from the 19 minute speedrun by 5 seconds.
- shar made a TAS of bhop_crossfire, beating it in 45.18s
- BitRain has recorded two explanation videos for the Half-Life 2: Done Quicker speedrun, covering both Train Station and Canals sections of the game. Check them out here.
- CRASH FORT uploaded an impressive TAS of a surf map surf_lt_omnific for CSS, using his own Source Tool Assist plugin for SourceMod.
- Chinese_soup found a way to skip Blast Pit using the new Save Warping glitch for the scripted category of Half-Life 1.
- A short jump map hoptrack, beaten in 16.18s by executλble